Sunday, March 11, 2007

Heroes Spoilers: Season 1, Episode 19 - ".07%"

This is my preliminary Heroes TV Show Spoilers blog spoilers summary for the post-break Episode 19 of Heroes. The title has been leaked as ".07%" or 7 per-cent as some say (more correctly 7 hundredths of a per-cent). The NBC broadcast schedule has this episode set for initial broadcast April 23, 2007. But a lot of spoilers have rolled out, so we can provide some suspense relief... As usual, stop reading blah blah blah if you do not want to know the futures of Heroes ...

H.R.G., Matt the mindreader and Ted the radioactive guy Heroes Spoilers: They are all in custody of Primatech Paper - the company, of fame. There the ambiguously evil honcho portrayed by Eric Roberts and his hench person sly shape shifting Candace have a plan. However, they do not plan on Matt's stunning recovery from cluelessness and again this episode Matt uses Heroes super power to get something done. This time he uses it to aid in H.R.G.'s escape escape, memories in tact.

Major Nathan and Linderman Heroes Spoilers ahead. Watch out ... Nathan was last seen in the Corinthian Las Vegas Hotel ( speaking with Linderman in the kitchen of the Corinthian. He is deciding whether to shoot, and electes to put down the gun.

Nathan Confronts Linderman over brussel sprouts.
How does Nathan escape from the kitchen? The answer, he leaves with Linderman, and Linderman keeps up his yada yada about Nathan rising to a "heartbeat" away from the presidency. To seal the deal, Linderman gives Nathan a tour of his private collection, the very same art collection we revealed weeks ago here at the Heroes TV Show Spoilers blog. Follow the link to view the Heroes-Linderman-Corinthian art collection.

Big Linderman spoilers reveal: In the gallery Linderman taunts Nathan with the visions of Isaac Mendez, and Nathan confronts Linderman over the painting of the explosion in New York. Linderman replies ambiguously that it does show the way to a brighter future. Linderman it seems is a megalomaniac, using any means to his evil end. Another big spoilers reveal .... Linderman has powers too, and he runs an organization of other Heroes with super powers. Linderman in the penultimate moment reveals the painting readers of this blog saw weeks ago - Nathan standing on the carpet in the oval office of the White House - in an Isaac the future painter painting. So, Linderman's twisted vision of Nathan arriving a "heartbeat" from the presidency, is that a lot of people must die... so many that Nathan winds up at the top of the order of succession.

Peter Heroes spoilers: Linderman also ambiguously hints that it is not Peter who causes the explosion in New York. A good article on a preview of the spoilers is at ComicBook Resources

Peter and Sylar Heroes Spoilers: When last seen in "Parasite", Chapter 18 of Heroes, Peter and Sylar were facing off, with Mohinder dangling from the ceiling watching. Peter does live, but one spoiler from columnist Kristin, is that Peter's head gets shaved, and he gets the scar foretold by future Hiro. Sylar flies, out a window...

In case you missed it, here is a promo spoilers trailer for episode 19:



Hi said...

My theory is the human bomb is Sylar who has taken the powers of Ted Sprague and the shape shifting girl.

wyn said...

Doesn't ".07%" mean 7-hundredths of one percent and not 7 percent?

Diley Yvette said...

I'd like to know who the mystery girl in the trailer is. I don't recall her. I wonder if she's a new hero.

millihelen said...

wyn is correct. I wonder if the mistake lies with the blogger or with NBC?

Suzanne Lanoue said...

Hi! Please join my Heroes webring at

Thanks! Also, we will be adding your link to our links page at
so please link back to us if you can...

The TV MegaSite's Heroes Site

Thanks again!!

amelyn said...

Does anybody know what the new password is for the Corinthian Las Vegas Titan Club? I got this email saying that there were new pics, but the old password doesn't work anymore and I can't get in! :(

Anonymous said...

Hey there,

I'm Travis from and wanted to know if you would like me to host your site for you with the domain that I have and you can be part of the network. Let me know if that may be of interest to you.
